Scientific Objectives
The main aim of the project is to turn food products (ready-to-eat products based on meat, fish and vegetables) safer and more durable, by reducing or inhibit the ability of Listeria monocytogenes (LM) to recover from high pressure processing (HPP). This can extend the shelf-life of food, increasing its resistance to food-related bacteria (by rendering the food “non-hospitable” for this type of bacteria) and decrease the amount of food waste from processing and throughout the food chain. Cutting edge biotechnological methods will be applied in this project to achieve our aim.
About Project
Contract no: 15/2017
Source of funding: state budget
Programme Name in PN III: International and European Cooperation - Subprogramme 3.2 - Horizon 2020
Project type: ERANET
Project Title: Development of a novel industrial process for safe, sustainable and higher quality foods, using biotechnology and cybernetic approach
Project Acronym: SafeFood
Project Duration: 34 months
Total Funding Requested: 711.000,00 lei representing 158.000,00 euro
Financing Body: The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding
Project Description
SafeFood is a transnational industrial biotechnology project that unites 8 research groups from 6 countries across Europe, with the purpose to turn food safer, by killing Listeria monocytogenes. The consortium will study which mechanisms allow Listeria monocytogenes to survive High Pressure Processing (HPP), and neutralize these by using advance biotechnology methods. By collaborating with the food industry, food additives that can prevent Listeria monocytogenes from surviving HPP will be identified.
The scientific results will be published in open source dedicated journals and sites. The collaboration between the groups will promote the spread of competences in industrial biotechnology across European countries. SafeFood will contribute to development of safer and healthier food products for consumers, improved economy and export, and food waste reduction.